Varennes, July 2018 - In order to address a provision of the Civil Engineering and Roadwork sector’s new collective agreement, the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ) created occupation codes and their corresponding wage rates. The new “Class 2”, implemented for fifteen occupations, came into effect on April 29, 2018, however, due to computer issues, the wage rates have only been available on the CCQ website since July 1. Under this provision, workers who obtained a new competency certificate in these occupations are paid 85% of the wage rate for their first 2,000 hours worked. The targeted occupations and related codes are:


Occupation Code (100%) Class 2 Code (85%)
Decontamination Labourer 601 804
Roofing Labourer 607 805
Specialized Roofing Labourer 608 806
Masonry Labourer 609 807
Storeman 711 809
Labourer 713 810
Specialized Labourer (Tile Setter) 715 811
Specialized Labourer 719 812
Pump/Compressor Operator 747 813
Welder 761 814
Heavy Equipment Serviceman 779 815
Pipeline Labourer 781 816
Underground Worker 783 817
Tire and Body Repairman 785 818
Assembler’s Helper 613 808


To include these recent updates in the payroll process, changes must be made to maestro*; the procedure explaining the required steps is documented below.

Note that it is the users’ responsibility to validate whether they are using the correct rates and to stay current on any subsequent change; verifying the data entered in maestro* is therefore recommended. The information contained in this document is provided strictly for information purposes.



Adding new occupation codes and their corresponding wage rates in maestro* involves two steps:

  1. Create codes in the Define Trades option; then
  2. Update Rates in the Define Hourly Rates option.

Click the hyperlinks to access a specific section more quickly.

Create Codes in the Define Trades Option

maestro* ˃ Time Management ˃ Maintenance ˃ Time Management ˃ Define Trades


  1. Click the New icon.
  2. Enter the required information as described in the following table:
Field Description
Code New trade code
French Description French description of the trade code as provided by the CCQ
Description English description of the trade code as provided by the CCQ
CCQ Trade Code New trade code that will be used to identify the trade in the CCQ monthly report
  1. Click Save.
  2. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for every new trade code.
  3. Click Quit after entering each new code in maestro*.

Update Rates in the Define Hourly Rates option

maestro* ˃ Time Management ˃ Maintenance ˃ Payroll ˃ Define Hourly Rates


  1. In the Filters / Default Values section, select Sector 1 – Civil Engineering and Roadwork.
  2. Under the Hourly Rate Detail tab, enter the previously created code in the Trade Code column. If applicable, also enter any other rate-related detail, such as the Annex and Region. Use as many lines as there are Trade-Annex-Region combinations.
  3. In the Hourly Rate column, enter the number 1; this is required to update the field.
  4. Click Save; the message “Hourly rate saved successfully” is displayed. Click OK to close the information window.
  5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 for every trade.
  6. Once all hourly rates have been created (including all Trade-Annex-Region combinations), click the Update Hourly Rates icon (framed in red on the image above).

  1. On the Update Hourly Rates window, click the Transmit icon.
  2. The Results Summary window appears; among other information, it displays the total number of transmitted files – including how many were successful and those that were not. Click OK to close the summary.
  3. Click the Apply icon; to the “Do you want to apply the selected rates?” question on the confirmation window, answer by clicking Yes.
  4. A second confirmation window asks if you would like to update the social benefits corresponding to the updated hourly rates. Click Yes to update both data sets in a single step.
  5. An information window is displayed confirming the update has been completed successfully. Click OK to close it
  6. Click Quit to close the Update Hourly Rates window.
  7. Click Quit to close the Define Hourly Rates window.

An additional step is required for customers who use the Activate specific configurations by trade function available under the Trades and Unions tab of the Employee Management option (maestro* ˃ Time Management ˃ Maintenance ˃ Payroll ˃ Employee Management).

If one of the newly created trades applies to an employee:

  1. Enter the employee’s Number (or its Last and First Names) under the Identification tab and press Enter.
  2. Under the Trades and Unions tab, in the Active column, check the box corresponding to the applicable trade (or boxes, if there is more than one trade).
  3. Click Save.
  4. Repeat steps 1 to 3 for all affected employees.
  5. Click Quit to close the window.


For more information on the various rate changes, visit the Wage and Dues Rates page of the CCQ website (*.

We encourage you to contact Maestro’s Customer Support by phone at 1-877-833-1897 or by email at for additional details regarding the required modifications to maestro*.


* Some sections of the CCQ website are available in French only.